Small Bussiness Growth Tips Perth Wangara

4 Simple Yet Effective Tips For Perth Small Business Growth



More and more people are taking the plunge and becoming Perth business owners. This trend is fantastic for the economy and the wider community, as Perth small business produces much of our productivity and employment. But as more and more people start one of the most exciting and harrowing journeys they can in the modern world, there are also some basic things every business should have in 2022. 

Now I’m not talking about an ABN, accounting packages or even legal documents because if you’ve started a business and don’t have these, you could already be in trouble! In saying that, if you need help with your legal documentation, we have partnered with LawPath to get you a significant discount on their service. If you are interested in this, contact me, and I can tell you how you can take advantage of these significant savings. But I digress on to the topics at hand that your Perth business needs to have sorted in 2022.

1- Google My Business

Get found by millions of people for FREE!

If you are running a business and haven’t signed up for a Google My Business account yet, you need to get on to it now. It’s free and easy to set up too. This will count massively toward your local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for your business in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney or any other place in Australia. 

Google My Business is an essential key to local SEO

Have you ever Googled a business and got a result on the map or the business name which looks like the picture below? That is the power of Google My Business. So seriously, if you have not set this up, stop what you’re doing and get going. This simple free service is something every business should have in 2022.

Don’t have a physical business for people to visit? That’s ok; Google My Business caters for you too. You might not show up on maps like a physical business, but you will still have significantly more exposure than not having one. 

2- A Functional and Modern Website

This is usually the first place a customer will learn about your business!

This one might be one that many Perth small business owners overlook or have something, but it is either designed poorly or not optimised for Google. A website is your 24-hour salesperson. It is somewhere people can find information about your services or, in the case of E-commerce, make those sales for you. Without a website, your customers are left in the dark, but even worse, your potential for new customers is exponentially lower. 

Sure, you might have a Facebook page or a good-sized audience on Instagram, but a large percentage of the population still relies on Google to find services and products they need. I have even had people tell me, “I get most of my business from Facebook; I don’t think I need a website.” 

A website is a tool, just like any other. In conjunction with your social media pages, you can use a website to showcase products and services, collect information and educate potential clients. In addition, you have total control over your website, unlike 3rd party platforms that can remove content and throttle exposure. 

A professional-looking and functional website for your business is a must in 2022. Even if your Perth business already has a website, ask yourself. Does it look modern? Does it have the functionality I want? Is it set up for SEO correctly? If any of your answers were no, then talk to me today. 

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Before you run off and start to build a website on one of the DIY builder platforms like Wix, Shopify or Squarespace, read all about their hidden costs here. The difference a real professional website can mean for your business can be astronomical. 

Take one of my clients, for example, Filters Plus WA. Their online presence was lacking significantly, and after updating their website to bring it into the modern era, I built them an online sales channel optimised for their industry. As a result, after only a few years, I grew their online sales from Zero to $1.5 Million. Now bear in mind that this additional business was above and beyond their current client base. This is the power of a website and why your Perth business needs to have a beautiful, functional and professional website in 2022.

3- A Facebook Business Page

The bare minimum for Business Social Media

Regardless of your industry, having a Facebook business page is a must in 2022. This doesn’t mean it should be your only social media page, as every industry or niche will have a specific audience on various platforms. However, you should do your homework and figure out what is best for your business. But pretty much everyone has Facebook, so your bare minimum should be a Facebook business page. 

A Facebook business page is essential for Perth small business

Another added benefit of having a Facebook business page for your Perth business is that you can join some groups. Of course, it will all depend on how a group is set up, but many of them do allow business pages to join. For example, imagine you run a painting business and find Perth Home Renovators Group. You can now participate as your business, promote yourself, send people to your website, offer advice and engage with people you would have never met otherwise. This is the power of a Facebook business page and why your Perth business should have one in 2022. 

4- A Detailed Plan

Without a proper map you are bound to get lost!

The last thing your business needs is one of the most overlooked things when people start a business; A plan. Now I don’t mean a business plan that you downloaded a free template for (Although you should still do this!). I’m talking about short, medium and long-term goals for yourself and your business

But it doesn’t stop with just a few dot points! No, I’m talking about an in-depth look at what you want for yourself and your family and how you will achieve it with your business. This might feel like pointless busy work, and you might feel like it is taking you away from making sales. But without a proper strategic and holistic plan, your business will only grow so far. 

Strategy and Planning session Perth with BC Marketing

The process is relatively easy but very time-consuming, and you must be in the right headspace to make a proper plan. Therefore, I always recommend people leave the office and find a quiet place without distraction to achieve an accurate objective. That means putting your phone on silent and in a bag so it won’t interrupt you. 

This plan is your future; without it, you are at the whims of the gods. It should include everything from sales targets, marketing plans, growth projections and every step required to achieve. If you don’t know how to do something on the list, that is great. You’ve found a weakness that needs to be addressed. Don’t be scared to write down everything in great detail. If this sounds scary, don’t fear; you can sit down with me one-on-one and plan everything out in a Perth business strategic planning session. 

As always, live large and take charge – Cam.


On Key

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